Options through the University of Arizona
While the internet is a useful tool for learning the Spanish language quickly and on the cheap, for some of us a classroom and instructor are necessary to learning. Both traditional and non-traditional students have a resource through the University of Arizona.
"We have students from all walks of life in our program," said Dr Guiliana Donnelly, Director of Undergraduate Studies for the Spanish department at UA.
"There are the traditional tracks through a minor or a major," she continued, "if you work hard and follow our directions you should leave the university not just speaking Spanish but also writing and reading with a comprehensive cultural knowledge."
With in the Spanish major offered at UA there are four separate tracks that include: literature, linguistics, half Spanish half Portuguese, and a new track on translation and interpretation.
Options are available for non-traditional students who prefer to learn Spanish with out seeking a degree. Dr. Donnelly's website provides answers to commonly asked questions as well as requirements to begin studying Spanish at UA.
"Our only requirement is that a student completes all prerequisites before enrolling in a course," Donnelly said.
Each course has a different prerequisite which can be found in the schedule of classes.
The university also provides a separate track for heritage speakers who have been exposed to Spanish through their family of community.
"Because of the different skills and levels that heritage speakers have, we put them on their own track up to the 340 level so that all students, heritage and foreign, start out with the same foundation of knowledge.
Placement exams for either track are conducted through the College of Humanities.
"Those who test well in the placement should seriously consider CLEP testing so that they get credit for the units that they've skipped," said Donnelly.
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